The first ever airplane application was flown in 1921. For over 100 years the iconic yellow airplane has been a common sight flying over the American farm.
Unlike a ground sprayer, we don't have to wait for perfect field conditions, we can reach your field any time. No wheel tracks, no soil compaction, no yield loss due to being driven over.
Unmatched coverage and canopy penetration.
Helicopters are much better suited to the challenging terrain in our service area. With the ability to fly much slower than an airplane we can better contour the terrain
We understand the need to be flexible when it comes to your applied product needs. If you need a custom solution to a problem, we can help.
We apply insecticide, herbicide, fungicide, and some foliar nutrients.
Maintenance Costs! A helicopter costs roughly three times as much to operate per hour compared to an airplane.
We're told often by new customers switching from an airplane that they visibly see the difference in the spray job by both bug kill and then later in uniformity of the application on the yield map. Better kill and more uniform application equals higher yields.
Not long! We take great pride in our ability to get your pastures or fields sprayed in a timely manner.
We can spray up to thousands of acres per day. We're capable of spraying your entire ranch or farm, big or small, so that you can see the benefits of the helicopter across all your acres. We get asked this a lot and it seems that this misconception was started by CO-OPs and operators offering both helicopters and airplanes in an attempt to deter growers from wanting helicopters on their big fields so the airplanes can fly more acres. And because airplanes are only half the cost to operate, make them more money.
Please reach out with whatever questions you have. We're happy to help!
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